Thursday, September 20, 2012

Natural Gum Soother for Teething Babies

I I have to admit, we have one overly dramatic, cranky 15-month-old bear in our household lately. I looked in his mouth today and saw he is getting 3 molars at once! No wonder why he’s angry! We always try to stay away from all drugs including over-the-counter drugs as much as possible, but lately I’ve been tempted many times to give my little crabby pants some Tylenol! But I’d rather try anything natural before drugs, so here is a little trick I learned from a friend when my daughter was a baby, to help naturally soothe those teething gums. Rub a couple drops of alcohol-free, food-grade peppermint flavor on the gumline. The ingredients listed on my bottle are sunflower oil and peppermint oil. The tingling peppermint sensation will soothe the achy gums. I am going to try peppermint oil coupled with a cold teething ring or this Munchkin Fresh Food Feeder (I put an ice-cube or frozen fruit inside!)…At least it’s worth a shot to give my little guy some relief, right!?

*This information is based on my experience and opinion only and is not intended to diagnose or treat any medical conditions. Please speak to your healthcare provider about any medical concerns.